Our Community
We welcome everyone into a life rhythm of formation, prayer, and loving action.
Joining together in love and community
We are a diverse community that practices the receiving of Peace so that we can share Peace. Our congregation is made up of those who have called San Antonio home for a long time, and those who have just settled here after long journeys from Central and South America.
Our gatherings are informal but full of meaning. We don’t take ourselves all that seriously, but we take loving others very seriously. We laugh and smile a lot, but recognize that we are participating in the profound mysteries of the Creator’s love.
Anabaptist Christians seek the transformation of suffering, oppression, and fear that springs from the world’s self-interested Empires, by engaging in the promise, healing, and peace that is found in God’s self-giving Kingdom. This happens internally and communally. Our community is thus engaged in intensive hospitality for the most vulnerable, but also has a daily gathering for prayer. We share our resources with many, but also study the ancient scriptures reverently. We operate a full schedule in our building and hospitality house, but also maintain space for contemplative prayer and the spiritual disciplines.
As Mennonites in the Anabaptist movement, we participate in a long tradition of congregations where Jesus Christ is the center of faith, community is the center of life, and reconciliation is the center of work.
We meet for worship every Sunday from 11-12 and then have a community meal.
Our gatherings are simple and somewhat informal, but revolve around the powerful ritual of Communion.
We sing songs with guitars and other stringed instruments, center ourselves in the Peace of Christ, focus on our children, listen to the ancient scriptures and practical teachings, and then gather around God’s invitation to transform the trauma of this world. The ritual looks like bread, juice and candles, but we ponder how God engages in the grossest of human violence, suffering, and mortality, turning it into a sacred unity with the healing power of resurrection.
Sunday Service: 11:00 AM to 12 Noon
Followed by a community meal